Tuesday, December 9, 2014


        Sangathan’14 – the annual sports event started on 28th August 2014. “Youth power supreme power”, the theme for the Sangathan 2014-2015, the Annual Sports Competition captured the zest and zeal of the young Amitians. A small Inaugural ceremony was held on 28th Aug where in the Sangathan torch was taken around by the Institute sports captains to their institutes with great pride. It was finally handed over to Maj Gen K.K.Ohri who then lighted the Khel Jyoti in the AB 6 Sports ground and thus commenced the month long sports event.

We, at Amity University Lucknow campus have been instrumental in providing the conducive environment with a launching platform necessary for the youth to express their creativity and achieve their potential.

The month long Sangathan activities and competitions had engaged the entire campus into battleground of showcasing prowess, stamina and endurance culminating into unparalleled excellence in myriad fields. Various Indoor and outdoor games brought togetherness, belongingness and team spirit amongst the faculty, students and staff of University. Since the matches were started from 01 September, students got enough time to practice and conduct the games in a structured manner. Good amount of participation was witnessed for almost all indoor and outdoor games. Some of the  final fixtures of Sangathan 14, like Volleyball ( boys), 100 meters (boys and girls) , tug of war  ( boys and girls) , Football Match, faculty and staff tug of war, cricket match and badminton matches were  played on  29th September, 2014. 

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